Thursday, December 13, 2007


jQuery and Greasemonkey

Now that Fiddler stopped working for me I used Greasemonkey to modify pages on the fly to test some new functionality.

It took me a while to figure out why a global variable which one of the dynamically added scripts created was not visible to my Greasemonkey script. Of course the answer was right there in the Greasemonkey documentation: "As of Greasemonkey 0.6.4, however, user scripts now have their own JavaScript context and execute completely separately from the content document." Fortunately, the document window is also accessible as unsafeWindow, and sure enough that worked.

PS. Michael Baierl pointed out a sample Greasemonkey script to load jQuery before executing functions that depend on jQuery—nice!

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007



The Web site has had a problem which has bothered me for some time: The search field on the homepage rendered at about half the usual height and text appeared invisible or white on white, so it was impossible to see text:

It wasn't that bad, I am a pretty solid typer and got the search terms right without seeing what I was typing, most of the time; still an inconvenience when trying to modify a search term, especially when the site starting redirecting search responses to addresses that no longer contain the search term, but not bad enough to spend time figuring out what was causing this.

Today one of my colleagues mentioned that he had found a solution to the problem: the PHONETIC.FON file seems to be the culprit, and indeed renaming that file has solved the problem nicely:

(A quick search for PHONETIC.FON sure enough turned up a page Why Do My Fonts in Netscape Navigator Look Funny? in the Netscape Unofficial FAQs.)

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Security by obscurity ran an article about AJAX security, the title of which caught my attention. The suggestions the author makes, however, are either obvious (use a well-tested framework instead of writing your own code) or plain wrong (pretty much the rest of the suggestions). Michael Baierl has commented in detail about what's wrong with this article.

Another unfortunate case of security by obscurity.

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